8th October 2024


Overview: The stat history windows for Level Points and Bullets now show your current count in the first row of the table tab.

3rd October 2024

Bug Fix

Overview: In the bullet count sources break down, the Heists amount previously included the haul for your entire team, this now correctly shows your share only.

2nd October 2024


The Times: If you die as the primary editor, you can now restore this position using the "Restore editor position" button.

2nd October 2024


Overview: Added bullet source break down (pie chart icon next to your bullet count).

1st October 2024


Overview: The "Level Points" section has been moved to a separate window which can be accessed by pressing the pie chart icon next to your level points. A chart has been added to this window to visualise the break down.

29th September 2024


Overview: A History button has been added next to your Bullets and Level Points stats. This button opens a window showing the history of the value going back to the beginning of your gangster, as both a graph and table. The now redundant "Core Stats History" area at the bottom of the screen has been removed (this displayed the same data but limited to the past 8 days).

29th September 2024


Events: Added vehicle crushing event to fill in the gap on Week 10 (next occurs in Round 39).

29th September 2024


Added Career, an easy way to keep track of your account-wide stats.

29th September 2024


Accolades: This screen has been moved back into a tab on the "Overview" screen.

29th September 2024


History: The "Hide for Screenshot" option has been moved to Settings (top right menu on mobile, bottom of the main menu on desktop) => "Hidden gangsters".

26th September 2024

Bug Fix

Missions: Fixed issue with "My Cousin Vinny" and "Street Pharmacist" payouts being incorrect over the past 18 hours. The payouts have been retrospectively corrected, your correct payout can be checked on the Statistics tab.

25th September 2024


Missions: You can now view your pending reward before completing a mission.

25th September 2024


Missions: You can now change vehicles and items if you change your mind after initial selection.

24th September 2024


Added Watchlist, an easy way to keep track of enemy targets.

24th September 2024

Bug Fix

Fixed issue with gangster online timer resetting every minute when left idling in certain web browsers.

18th September 2024

Bug Fix

Perks: The "Heist Reset" perk now correctly works with Trap House, including being able to reset the heist when your timer has expired but you've reached your daily attempt count.

18th September 2024


Contests: The "Automatically join contests" setting now also adds you to any pending or incomplete contests when creating a new character.

17th September 2024

Bug Fix

Life Insurance: Fixed issue preventing Small Crimes chances from being restored if Certified Gangster has expired at the time of making the claim.

15th September 2024


Messages: You can now pin conversations to the top of your conversation list.

14th September 2024


Mini Events: A new Slot Machine Mini Event has been added which boosts the jackpot in a random city. This event has been made more rare than the existing ones to prevent a reduction in frequency of the popular Drug Surge events. The maximum duration between events has also been reduced from 13 to 12 hours.

13th September 2024


Crimes: Your level point stats are now broken down between points earned and bonus points (those gained from perks and events). This is reflected both on the Overview screen and on each crime's Statistics tab. For Missions and Crack The Safe the bonus points only apply from the time of this update onwards.

12th September 2024


Small Crimes: The number of recent attempts shown on the Statistics tab has increased from 5 to 10 and additional details have been added to help identify when modifiers (e.g. Perks, Stamina) have been applied. Certified Gangsters can browse their full history of attempts.

9th September 2024


Certified Gangster: You can now view certain feature stats for previous gangsters within the same round including crime stats, casino stats and Auction House stats.

4th September 2024


History: Added "Make all private" option and improved performance of the "Make all public" option.

2nd September 2024

Bug Fix

Slot Machine: Admin killed gangsters are now excluded from the "Top Gangsters" leaderboard.

30th August 2024


Bounties: When someone is admin killed, any active bounties they've placed are automatically removed.

24th August 2024


Accolades: The requirement for the Gold "Mechanic" accolade has been reduced from 100 to 25.

20th August 2024


Slot Machine: Added "Daily spin limit" stat to show current usage.

15th August 2024


Shooting: Added "Bullets fired", "Money" and "Bounties" to the "Your Kills" table at the bottom of the Statistics tab.

15th August 2024

Bug Fix

Trade Center: Fixed bug causing "Trade Center item alerts" setting not to work (players with this setting turned off would still receive alerts).

15th August 2024


Trade Center: Added the option to remove an asset from a trade.

9th August 2024


Perks: Added "Heist Reset" perk which can be used to reset one of your heist timers.

1st August 2024

Bug Fix

Heists: Fixed issue allowing multiple simultaneous actions against a heist.

31st July 2024


Dialogs: Implemented delayed dialog buttons for certain destructive actions (Commit Suicide and Close Account) to prevent accidental double taps resulting in confirmation.

29th July 2024

Bug Fix

Auction House: Fixed issue with the "Number of auctions" field wrongly being visible while auctioning a perk.

25th July 2024


Horse Racing: The bet result alerts have been condensed into a single alert.

24th July 2024


Black Market: The "Daily Special" options no longer expire after 10 minutes. If you don't want to purchase any perk, use the 'Cancel purchase' button at the bottom of the perks list.

24th July 2024


Families: The respect summary shown on a family profile now retrospectively excludes respect sent from admin killed characters, to match the same behaviour as the respect summary on a character profile.

23rd July 2024


Families: The message function (available to certain roles on the Members screen) now supports sending messages to specific roles only.

21st July 2024


Perks: Added 'Police Chase Pro' perk which doubles your Police Chase chance (the maximum chance remains at 80%).

21st July 2024


Stock Market: Stocks are now automatically sold shortly after death. A portion of the resulting funds may then be claimed via Life Insurance if applicable.

19th July 2024


Settings: Added the ability to block Black Market sales to the "Feature blocks" screen.

19th July 2024


Settings: Renamed "Casino blocks" to "Feature blocks".

10th July 2024

Bug Fix

Your Garage: Fixed issue with order of "Tuning Record" on Statistics tab.